Invited talks

“De regulering van politieke financiering: Lessen uit Latijns Amerika.” Invited talk at the PhD afternoon ‘Best Practices for Public Administration’, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, The  Hague, October 15, 2015. 

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“Bloed en belastingen: De ontwikkeling van de moderne staat.” Lecture at the Dutch Oerol Theatre Festival, Terschelling, June 19, 2015. 

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“Legislación Partidaria y la Política Local.” Lecture at the Department of Political Science, University of Costa Rica, November 19, 2012.

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“El Financiamiento Político en México: Estudio de la Regulación y Fiscalización de los Recursos de los Partidos Políticos.” Invited talk at the United Nations Development Program’s Conference on Electoral Observation, Mexico, D.F., November 15, 2012.

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“Reformando las Reglas del Juego. El Desarrollo de la Legislación de Partidos Políticos en América Latina.” 

Invited talk at the:

-Department of Political Science and International Relations, Torquato di Tella University, Argentina, June 7, 2012;

-Department of Social Sciences, University of San Andres,  Argentina, June 7, 2012;

-Law Faculty, University of Buenos Aires University, Argentina, May 4, 2012.

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“Reforming the Rules of the Game: The Development of Party Law in post-transitional Latin America.” Invited talk at the Institute of Political Science, Leiden University, March 1, 2012.

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